Sunday, July 17, 2016

People Aren’t Too Happy About President Obama’s Town Hall On Race

By Julia Craven, The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President Barack Obama participated in an ABC News town hall on Thursday to discuss racism and police brutality, but many viewers saw it as a missed opportunity, saying there wasn’t nearly enough emphasis on the need for comprehensive police reform.

“The President and The People: A National Conversation,” an hour-long program, was hosted by “ABC World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and moderated by ESPN’s Jemele Hill and ABC News correspondent Deborah Roberts.

Commentary by: Lynn Cheramie, Founder, National Organization For All Races

We at Freedom Fighters of America #ffoa and National Organization For All Races #nofar will never say that all Police Officers are right all of the time. Clearly there are incidents when they use excessive force. No one should claim that excessive force is used in every White Cop causing a Black Suspects Death incident. If we do the message your trying to convey is lost in color.

No matter who you are you have to admit that a lot of the Black Suspects put themselves in the these situations from the start. Lengthy arrest records, disobeying police commands, resisting arrest, fighting officers and now not revealing weapons until the situation escalated to the point of no return.

Maybe arresting Blacks is not a product of color but a product of environment, upbringing, education, wealth and common sense. I don't want to hear that Blacks don't have the same access to everything that White's do because that's not true. Affirmative Action provides lower standards for minorities to gain access to education. The President has proven that you can be Black and get elected by White people. That old argument is done!

I still cannot believe that his girlfriend continued to film even after she said, "I hope he's not dead?" Shouldn't she be trying to help him? If I cared about someone I would and I think most of the World would do the same!

#ffoalivesmatters and that is everyone of us who believes that our country needs a great wake up call before we get so far down the road we can't see where to turn around!


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