Monday, October 30, 2017

Take a Stand! Not a Knee!

Pennsy is the newest contributor to the FFOA News Network, FFOA and National Organization For All Races

October 30, 2017

By Pennsy Patriot, Contributor, FFOA News Network

Why take a stand, and not a knee? Despite the liberal rhetoric, there is no huge number of unarmed black men being shot by law officers.  There is no systemic oppression of blacks in our country, and in fact, with our equal opportunity programs, and there is plenty of evidence that blacks who choose to succeed, do succeed.  Here are some facts about these bogus protests, and why they matter.

By the Numbers, black homicides in the year 2016 totaled 7,881. That’s 900 hundred more dead black males than were killed in 2015, which was in fact, a 900 deaths increase from the previous year! However, these blacks weren’t unarmed blacks killed by police.  Contrary to the assertions of Black Lives Matter (BLM), they were blacks killed by other blacks.

According to the Washington Post, the police fatally shot 233 blacks last year, the vast majority being armed and dangerous. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” However, that category doesn’t show if the shooting resulted from a physical assault on the police officer nor as a result of a violent resistance to arrest.

In reality, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. Over the last ten years, black males account for    42% of all cop-killers, even though they only account for 6% of the population. In addition, police officers were 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer in just 2015.

The result of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and their riots in Ferguson and other cities, have disrupted the policing of our neighborhoods. The anti-cop climate, according to a Pew Research poll released in January of this year, shows that 72% of the nation’s officers now say that they are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons.  It begs the question, why would the BLM movement desire to drive that result? And, in turn, more and more blacks will die this year in those same communities.

In 2016, four different studies released rebutted the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it is the opposite of the false assertions of the BLM. It’s much more likely that white officers are killed by blacks than the other way around. These facts however, have not stopped the ongoing demonization of our police officers. Now, even our country’s ignorant professional athletes, in particular the NFL, have joined this false narrative.

The flag and the Anthem the NFL players protest during, flies with the last breath of every service person who has given their all in defense of it. All of that blood was red; no matter their race.  When they disrespect our flag and anthem, they also disrespect other blacks who were patriots and heroes who fought for, and  died for, their freedom to protest. Yes, they have the right to protest, but is protesting then right? If they aren’t protesting the deaths of almost 8,000 blacks killed by other blacks, but are instead protesting the 233 killed by police, or the 16 unarmed blacks killed by police, why would they protest that number, but not the other number?

The real issue isn’t the killing of unarmed blacks, or systemic oppression of blacks. Of course, admitting that means admitting that it isn’t racial oppression, but rather the dissolution of the black family. That doesn’t meet the liberal agenda of racial division.

The real issue lies in the heart of our black communities. There is failing within these communities to maintain intact families and raise responsible black men. Children grow up in poverty, generally the result of teenage pregnancies, single headed households, and primarily by single women. We know statistically, the likelihood of these angry, impoverished young males being involved in criminal or gang activity versus attending a trade school or college is greatly increased by those very circumstances.

There is more than ample evidence that there is not wide spread oppression of blacks. If that were true, none to very few blacks would succeed. However, we have black doctors, lawyers, writers, scientists, business owners, teachers, professional coaches, and more who have succeeded. Did they have some secret privilege others did not to facilitate their success? No, what they had was opportunity in the form of hard work. Success is not a given; it’s achieved, by finding and working hard to complete one opportunity at a time as greater and greater opportunities present themselves. This is the essence of the American dream.

If we look within the lives of the professional black athletes taking a knee, you’ll find that many have fathered multiple children by multiple women. The result is those women parenting their children alone. Crime statistics show that growing up in a single parent family increases the likelihood that that child will have contact with a police officer.

In fact, if you then look at the example these “professional athlete” males set for their children, you’ll find that many of them have criminal records for everything from assault to drug arrests, and murder.

Instead of taking a knee, these men need to stand up, man up, speak up, and be fathers, become big brothers, and make a difference in their communities. They can do that by mentoring young men and by making their communities different than the current norm of killing one another. They need to look no further for answers than in a mirror and they way they live their lives and the choices they make for their children.


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