Saturday, September 3, 2016

Some blacks agree with Trump on Democrats — but can’t stand the rest of his message

By Vanessa Williams, The Washington Post

Some black political activists and voters have long made the same argument that Donald Trump and his surrogates have been pushing in recent weeks: that the Democratic Party takes African American support for granted and has not done enough to earn such strong loyalty from black voters.

But the point has not resonated for Trump in part because of the Republican nominee’s history of racially divisive actions and comments, and the caustic tone of his presidential campaign.

Commentary from Lynn J. Cheramie III, Founder, FFOA News Network and NOFAR

It's only natural that blacks would not like the message.

A couple more stats for you:

In 2010 blacks made up 13% of the population in America while 64% were white.

Blacks are born out of wedlock over 72% of the time.

90% of blacks are murdered by blacks.

Per capita there are 7x more murders committed by blacks than whites.

There are 14.82 murders per 100,000 people by blacks vs 2.17 murders per 100,000 for whites.

In 2010 alone there were 5,770 murders by blacks and 4,849 by whites and of those murders by blacks, the offender was between the ages of 13 - 29 in over 3,500 of those cases.

As of 2010 2,306 per 1,000 blacks were incarcerated and 450 blacks per 100,000 were incarcerated. While blacks made up 13% of the population and 64% for whites.

A study completed by Pew Research in 2013 found that 31% of blacks and 15% of whites had ever received Food Stamps.

It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with community, social environment and upbringing of a child! They imitate what they see. Once a community understands that you can control your destiny from within only then will you prosper.

We need to stop seeing color. Why does the government keep statistics on race? They want to keep all of us divided! WAKE UP AMERICA! The veil of Freedom needs to be lifted. Just like the Wizard of Oz we have many controlling everything from behind the curtain!


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